Happy reading,Happy memories

Remember those favorite books you read when you were younger.  I read Hardy books, Nancy Drew, Clara Barton Nurse of the Red Cross, the Sue Barton nurse series, The Silver skates and the boxwood children.  Oh my, I could go on and on... One of the first books I remember is Nurse Nancy from Golden Books.  It came with bandaids inside and I read it over and over.  Here is a picture of it I found on the net.  There are so many quality books out there for children to explore that are vintage.  how about the Happy Hollisters.  They had so many adventures.  My grandson is reading the boxcar children.  Remember them?  They were forced to live in a boxcar and I poured over every book in that series.  What adventures they had and now my grandson is loving them.http://www.rubylane.com/item/357173-482030/Happy-Hollisters-1954-Book-w

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