Thanksgiving time....or was it?
Thanksgiving is over?  How was it?  Did you eat   bargains   or turkey?  Did you enjoy the day with the kids playing games or watching football or having a lively conversation? Or were you chasing the sales during the day or evening?

Now, don’t get me wrong I love a bargain.  I will participate in Black Friday and get up in the wee hours. I can chase the sales just like everyone else but this year I privately decided to boycott the Thursday sales. 

I spent several days before the big sales shopping for something to wear to an event and I overheard wives and mothers trying to figure out how to have their Thanksgiving   family gathering.  Each had one or more of   their children or spouses having to work or leave early to sleep so they could be up in the wee hours to sell. 

In so many ways the world is chiseling away at family time, the enjoyment of our holidays and one on one conversation.  Marketing has become part of our family and now they are planning how we have our holiday. People say they see what is happening, resent it but have no way to stop it.  I believe we can only fight these intrusions by letting businesses   know with one email, letter or phone call at a time.  Companies only listen when people complain or when the number crunchers see their idea does not work.  So I am speaking out my feelings.  I want to take my   Thanksgiving Day back and any other holiday they decide to   change for my family by letting them know I am not happy. I may be one small voice but after all Dr. Seuss did make all of us hear” Horton’s   Who”? Won’t you join me?   



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